
Liz contacte le site en 2014 : "Je suis australienne et je viens d'arriver à Paris. Je serais ravie d'avoir l'occasion d'explorer la littérature française avec vous et d'améliorer mon français le long de la voie." Trois ans plus tard, après avoir traversé aussi bien Marivaux que Cocteau, Duras, Roland Barthes ou encore Jérôme Ferrari et Kamel Daoud, et nous avoir fait connaître l'Australienne Chloe Hooper, voici son portrait :

My Australian childhood was spent immersed in a long sunny, endless book. With a librarian as a mother, there was always an unread sky-scraper of novels by the side of my bed. "Tell me what you think of these" she would say, as the tower grew five-stories higher. My father would take me sailing on vast twinkling southern oceans, but apparently immune to their beauty and excitement, I would disappear into the cabin, with a book.

In adulthood those book-towers were deconstructed - replaced instead by academic journals and work-reading, or perhaps just long hours at the office. Then I found a job involving travel, and spent my time living out the adventures I had until then only read about. There was little time for literature.

With Voix au chapitre, I have crashed through my personal reading boundaries. The group has exposed me to the horrors of French military torture during the Algerian war, works on circumcision, rape and extreme poverty. I have struggled through 17th century French literature as well as passing sunny days on literature outings.

Once more a tower of books is being constructed by the side of my bed. This time, not works to read, but thanks to Voix au chapitre, a rich collection of completed French works that I would have never completed alone.

Avril 2017

Liz est arrivée dans le groupe en mars 2014 pour Total Khéops et est restée jusqu'à juin 2017 pour Petit pays.


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